The second time reading Harry Potter is WAY better than the first time. First, Harry Potter books are complicated beyond belief. In no way they are a sappy love story, or intense action book. They are more than that. They are all elements of a book wrapped into one. Reading Harry Potter books the second time isn't as suspensefull, but trust me it is still exciting. But the second time reading the Harry Potter books you are able to connect all the puzzle pieces together. Rowling has an amazing ability to connect everything together, and make every small detail have a purpose. Unexplainable things in previous Harry Potter books, such as when Harry recieves the Invisibility Cloack in the Sorceror's Stone, is explained and becomes even more significant in the Deathly Hallows. Every action of Severus Snape finally becomes explainable in the last book, and the true motives of all of the characters are show. That's another thing I love about JK Rowling. She never just sticks a character in for no good reason. EVER character has a purpose, and a small detail in an earlier book in significant in another. How the heck she is able to tie every single detail together amazes me beyond belief and I have no clue how she does it. That's why I believe she is such such an inspiring author. Reading the Harry Potter books a second time helps you to focus on these details instead of just the story line. You are able to look at the total effect of every single detail, which in turn helps to better understand the book. I love these books, and I could never read a 759 page book if it wasn't Harry Potter.
Please, JK Rowling. Start another series.
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