The Grey Lady: The ghost from which Harry finds the truth |
So, Voldy is at Hogwarts. I repeat he is at Hogwarts. McGonagall tells the students in the Great Hall that anyone is is 17+ can stay at fight. Then, Voldemort's voice chimes in through Hogwarts and he says that not a single wizard will be killed if they simply hand over Mr. Potter. Their pure blood is too precious to lose! Although a couple of Slytheirns, cough Pansy cough, want to give Harry over, McGonagall refuses. The loyal people of Hogwarts stay, which is most of Gryffindor and some of Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw, and are told the plan of action from none other than the very intimidating Kingsley. In the midst of the hubbabaloo, Harry then remember the diadem and then take off to go look. Since no one has seen it in living memory, who better to go to than the ghosts of Hogwarts! First, Harry goes to Nearly Headless Nick, who tells him where the Gray Lady (the ghost of Ravenclaw) is. He directs him over to the Gray Lady, who tells him about the history of the diadem. It ends up that Ravenclaw's daughter stole the diadem, ran off to Albania with it, hid it in a tree, and then was then killed by the Bloody Baron. She has told no one about her story except Tom Riddle, and Harry figures out that he must've then gotten it, and put the diadem back in Hogwarts when he asked Dumbledore for a job. Harry then runs off to go look for it, then runs into Hagrid and Fang, and they continue off running. They past some gargoyles which remind Harry of a broken bust that he put a wig and old tiara on in the ROR. He then believes that this ugly old tiara is in fact the diadem!
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