"Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?"
"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" |
That is the truth. And Harry has come to accept it. He then leaves Dumbledore's office with the Cloak and finds tons of people dead. He stops to tell Neville that the snake is must be killed, and then sees Ginny from under the Cloak, which is very hard for him because he is dying to talk to her one last time. He walks into the Forbidden Forest and the remembers the Snitch. He puts his lips to it and says "I am about to die", and it opens. In it lie the Resurrection Stone. He then realized that the dead people he loved were not coming to him, he was coming to them. Then Lupin, Sirius, and his parents appeared. They tell him how brave he has been and how proud they are of him. He then asks them if death will hurt, and Sirius tells him that it is easier than falling asleep. Harry feels guilty about their death, and they all reassure. They then tell him that they are invisible to everyone but Harry, and they are there to comfort him. After passing Yaxley and Dolohov, he then finds the Dark Lord. He drops his cloak and the stone, so all of his protectors disappeared. He explains that it didn't matter, for this moment was between only him and Voldemort. Hagrid, bound up in a tree, yells to Harry not to surrender, but he is then silenced by a Death Eater. Voldemort approaches him, and all Harry can think about is kissing Ginny. Then, all Harry saw was green light and then everything was gone. Then, King's Cross. Best Chapter Ever! Harry then wakes up naked, but then wishes for clothes and they then appeared out of thin air. He then found a "small, naked child, curled on the ground" that was making noises, which kind of scared Harry. He wanted to comfort it, but felt repulsed by it. He then heard someone say "You cannot help" and there appeared Albus Dumbledore. He tells Harry how brave he is, and that he is dead, but Harry is not. Dumbledore explained that when Voldemort killed Harry, he only killed the part of his soul that was in Harry's body, because Harry was the seventh Horcrux that was never meant to be made. The fact that Harry accepted and embraced death made him stronger that Voldemort, who feared it. That is what helped Harry to defeat Voldy in the sky. When asked where he thought he was, Harry replied that he believed they were in a clean King's Cross Station (hence the chapter title). Harry asks about the Hallows, and Dumbledore says they indeed do work. Harry, he explains, is a relative of Ignotus Peverell, one of the 3 brothers. Dumbledore goes on to tell Harry about Ariana's death and how ashamed he was of it. Dumbledore claimed that at one point he did have all 3 hallows, but then realized that Harry is the true master of the Hallows because he isn't afraid of death. He also explained to Harry that he hoped for Snape to have the Elder Wand, which didn't go as planned. He then gave Harry the choice to stay, or go back. Of course Harry chose to go back, he had to finish of Voldemort!
Great quote: "Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pit the living, and, above all, those who live without love." Aww.
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