Andrea's Blog
This blog chronicles Andrea Paine as she reads the seventh Harry Potter book.
Why Harry Potter Is Better The Second Time...
Please, JK Rowling. Start another series.
The Boy Who Played Dead, And Defeated Voldemort At Last
Harry awakes from the magical scene with Dumbledore, and is back in the forest. He decides to act like he is dead. Voldemort first asks "The boy... Is he dead?" and sends Narcissa Malfoy over to inspect him. She asks Harry, "Is Draco alive? Is he in the castle?" and Harry replies yes. She then tells Voldemort that Harry is in fact dead. For victory, Voldy threw Harry in the air a couple times and Harry had to remain still. Voldy then made Hagrid carry "dead" Harry through the people. He carried Harry with his heavy tears beating upon him. Voldemort then announces to the people "Harry Potter is dead. He was killed as he ran away, trying to save himself while you lay down your lives for him. We bring you his body as proof that your hero is gone." They arrive to the castle, and Harry can hear all his loved ones crying, but is then laid at Voldy's feet and he proclaims to the crowd of people how cowardly Harry is. Neville is so angry that he tried to charge Voldemort, but fails. Fortunately he doesn't kill Neville but explains, "You show spirit and will make a very valuable Death Eater." but Neville screams for the DA and instead Voldemort sets a flaming Sorting Hat on Neville's head and proclaims that there is no more sorting at Hogwarts; all students are Slytherins. Then, people begin fighting, so do giants and centaurs, and then Harry puts the Invisibility Cloak over himself and helps Neville break free from the curse, then Neville cuts off Nagini's head. Harry luckily helps to protect Neville with a Shield Charm. Hagrid then realizes that Harry is gone and yells "HARRY-WHERE'S HARRY?". Fighting then broke out again, and Harry is ready to pursue Voldemort. McGonagall is fighting Voldemort with Kingsley and Slughorn, and Bellatrix was fighting Luna, Ginny, and Hermione until Mrs. Weasley came in and finished her off. Finally the evil Bellatrix Lestrange was put to rest. Voldemort got soooo angry and tried to kill Mrs. Weasley, but Harry saves her with a Shield Charm. Then, the moment of truth: Harry takes off his invisibility cloak. It was down to the two of them. Voldemort claims that he is only alive by accident, and he taunts Harry with the idea of love. But Harry claims that he is more powerful because of his love. Harry then reveals the truth about Dumbledore's death, and how he loved Lily and how their patronuses were matching does. Harry then tells "Riddle" to try for some remorse. Harry then tells Voldemort that the wand will never work right again because since Dumbledore's dead was planned, he will be the last true master. But since Draco disarmed Dumbledore, he is the true master of the wand. But since Harry disarmed Draco, the Elder Wand is his! Then they both shoot out their famous spells: Harry says Expelliarmus and Voldemory says Avada Kedavra. This causes the Elder Wand to fly through the air, and into Harry's hand, and then Voldemort's Killing Curse bounce back into him and he is dead! Woooohooo. After some silence for the reality to set in, everyone cheers for joy! Harry needs alone time, so he puts on his cloak and is rejoiced to see all the happy families. He then finds Ron & Hermione and they go up to the headmaster's office, and all the portraits clap for him. He then arrives at Dumbledore's portrait, and finds him crying tears of joy. He asks Dumbledore what to do about the Hallows. He said he dropped to Ressurection stone in the forest, which no one knows about, and he wants to keep the cloak. As for the elder wand, he feels that he must return it to Dumbledore's grave because it is "more trouble that it's worth".
The book ends with a scene 19 years later. Harry & Ginny are married, and so are Ron & Hermione. They are taking their children to Platform 9 3/4 to go to Hogwarts. James, the oldest, is already enrolled in Hogwarts and is coming back for another year. It is Albus' first year at Hogwarts, and Lily is too young to go yet. They run into the Ron, Hermione, and their kids Hugo and Rose. They then see Draco Malfoy with his son, Scorpius, and his wife, who is unnamed. Ron tells Rose to beat Scorpius on every test, and thanks god that Rose inherited Hermione's brains. James runs off the train and tells the parents that he just saw Teddy Luping kissing, or should I say snogging, Victoire Weasley (Bill & Fleur's daughter). Ginny tells James to give "Neville our love", because he is a professor of Herbology now. Harry then tells Albus that the is named Albus Severus after two great Headmasters of Hogwarts, and one was actually a Slytherin, but he also told him to tell the Sorting Hat his opinions because it takes them into account, like it did with Harry. The book ends, saying "The scar had not pained Harry for 19 years. All was well". And they lived Happily Ever After...
The book ends with a scene 19 years later. Harry & Ginny are married, and so are Ron & Hermione. They are taking their children to Platform 9 3/4 to go to Hogwarts. James, the oldest, is already enrolled in Hogwarts and is coming back for another year. It is Albus' first year at Hogwarts, and Lily is too young to go yet. They run into the Ron, Hermione, and their kids Hugo and Rose. They then see Draco Malfoy with his son, Scorpius, and his wife, who is unnamed. Ron tells Rose to beat Scorpius on every test, and thanks god that Rose inherited Hermione's brains. James runs off the train and tells the parents that he just saw Teddy Luping kissing, or should I say snogging, Victoire Weasley (Bill & Fleur's daughter). Ginny tells James to give "Neville our love", because he is a professor of Herbology now. Harry then tells Albus that the is named Albus Severus after two great Headmasters of Hogwarts, and one was actually a Slytherin, but he also told him to tell the Sorting Hat his opinions because it takes them into account, like it did with Harry. The book ends, saying "The scar had not pained Harry for 19 years. All was well". And they lived Happily Ever After...
Harry Must Die..
"Is this real? Or has this been happening inside my head?" "Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" |
Great quote: "Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pit the living, and, above all, those who live without love." Aww.
The Truth About Severus Snape. He's a Good Guy After All!
Snape & Lily on the playground; the first scene Harry sees in the Pensieve |
Oh the stupid diadem... Time for destruction!
Harry & Malfoy escaping the Fiendfyre and capturing the diadem of Ravenclaw. |
Now time to blog about it....
So as soon as Harry realizes that he knows where the diadem is, he begins sprinting towards to ROR. He then runs into Ron & Hermione on his way there. They tell then that they have been in the Chamber of Secrets collecting basilisk's fangs from the skeleton, and destroying the Hufflepuff cup (which Hermione destroyed. Go girl! One more Horcrux down). Ron was surprisingly able to open the Chamber with his secret parseltongue skills that he copied from Harry from the forest. The trio are reunited alas and run to the ROR, where they find the Weasleys, Tonks, and the Longbottoms (even Neville's granny). Then, in the midst of high emotions, Ron & Hermione kiss! Awa... They then leave the ROR, because it must reform into the Room of Hidden Things. They then leave the room and find that the fighting has began! There is dueling and people shooting jinxes galore! Finally the trio enters the ROHT to find the diadem, and then runs into the trio of Slytherin: Crabbe, Goyle, and Malfoy. Dun dun dun... Crabbe and Goyle then go crazy and begin throwing spells to trying at kill Hermione, but then Malfoy tells them not to because the Dark Lord wants them alive. Harry then disarms Goyle in this momentary conversation, then they all begin shooting curses at each other, but it was Hermione's stunning spell that hit Goyle. Crabbe then being the very smart person he is, sets the room on fire. But not with ordinary fire, a magical fire that pursues and chases its victims. This fire, that has shaped into various scary objects surrounds the trio, and they are trapped until quick thinking Harry grabs two brooms and they fly out of the monstrous fire. But not before his good conscience kicks in. He sees Malfoy, and the stunned Goyle trapped in the fire, and swoops down to save them. Ron is pissed and yells at Harry "IF WE DIE FOR THEM, I'LL KILL YOU, HARRY!". Which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. So Malfoy was on Harry's broom, and Ron, Hermione, and Goyle are on another. Harry turns back to grab the diadem, luckily gets it, and they narrowly make it out of the room. After they get out of the room (that then disappears), Malfoy realizes that Crabbe is indeed dead. Again, he is very smart. His own flames killed himself. The realize that Ginny is gone, then the diadem oozes a blood/tar goo and breaks apart. Hermione realizes that it must've been the cursed Fiendfyre. They realize that all that's left is Nagini! Soon, the turn the corner to find that the Death Eaters have penetrated into Hogwarts. Then, the castle seems to have been blown up, and they come out the rubble to find Fred dead.... :(
And So The Battle Begins!
The Grey Lady: The ghost from which Harry finds the truth |
In the 600's! And things are getting intense.
Snape & McGonagall! |
Saved By Dumbledore! Aberforth That Is...
In the midst of yet another scary run-into with Death Eaters (and Dementors this time), Harry hears someone whisper to him "Potter, in here, quick!" Without hesitation, the trio run into the upstairs of Hog's Head to discover that their savior was none other than Aberforth Dumbledore, Albus' younger brother. He tells some lies to convince the angry Death Eaters that it was his patronus (a goat), not Harry's stag. While upstairs, Harry notices a portrait of Ariana Dumbledore, and a mirror below it, which Harry discovers that it was Aberforth who helped him using the mirror piece. Aberforth was instructed how to use the mirror from Albus after buying it from Mundungus Fletcher in hopes to keep an eye on Harry. They mystery of the doe patronus is still there because they find out that he didn't send it because his patronus is a goat. Aberforth advises him to go to the mountains out of the madness, but Harry wants to stay and continue on the mission Albus left him. Aberforth gets angry and he advises Harry that the mission could get him killed. Harry questions why Aberforth is anti-Albus' plans, and he then tells Harry the story of his life. He explains how Muggle boys attacked Ariana, causing her to become traumatized and how Mr. Dumbledore attacked the boys back, which caused him to go to Azkaban. They tried to keep the whole thing very low profile so no one found out about Ariana. Later, Ariana accidentally killed Kendra due to her uncontrollable magic. Ariana was later killed in a duel between Albus, Aberforth, and Grindelwald, because Aberforth was angry that Albus was abandoning the family to go travel with Grindelwald. After discussion and disagreements, Harry demands to that he must get into Hogwarts. Aberforth shows him the only way to get into Hogwarts that hasn't been closed: the portrait of Ariana. After he shows Harry the tunnel, Neville appears all bruised and cut, but ecstatic to see Harry. The three climb into the painting with Neville, and he then explains the harsh punishment the teacher of Hogwarts, such as the Carrows, perform on the students, hence Neville's cuts. Neville has led the Dumbledore's Army, and has been constantly rebelling against the Death Eaters, which led to an incident with a Death Eater and his grandmother. They eventually end up in the Room of Requirement, and are greeted by Seamus and other members of Dumbledore's Army. A bunch of other friends of Harry show up and a ready for a fight, but Harry explains that that is not why he is here. He explains how exactly he needs to destroy Voldemort, and is searching for an object of Ravenclaw's. Luna, of course, tells Harry that is is probably the lost diadem.
The Escape & New Plan
Bellatrix Goes To Gringotts; Starring Hermione
Another Plan To Steal A Horcrux
After Dobby's funeral, the trio continues to stay at Bill & Fleur's house. The ponder over how exactly Dobby knew to go to the dungeon. They then decide to break into Gringotts, and they decide to let Griphook in on the plan. He agrees to help him, but only for a reward: the sword of Gryffindor. They need it for the destruction of the Horcruxes, so they decide that the will give him the sword, but not be specific on when they're gonna give it to him. Which Harry later finds out from Bill that deals with goblins are not very good idea. They start scheming this plan with him and Hermione will take a Polyjuice Potion to become Bellatrix so they can get into the Lestrange Family vault at Gringotts. Ted Tonks shows up, announcing that him and Dora had a boy and he asks Harry to be the godfather. Of course, Harry says yes. So, slowly the gang begins to leave Shell Cottage. Olivander leaves (but not before making Griphook angry about Muriel's tiara). Then the trio and Griphook head to Gringotts to begin their endeavor.
Uh-Oh. Way To Go Harry.
After having escaped yet another close encounter with Death Eaters, the trio made it out safely due to Hermione quick thinking again. They all then discuss the Deathly Hallows and debate the truth and existence behind them. Harry soon becomes very infatuated with the Deathly Hallows, and is set on the idea that the Resurrection Stone is inside the Snitch, so he tries every possible way to open it. Hermione then criticizes his infatuation and says he needs to focus more on the Horcruxes and not the Deathly Hallows. The three then listen to Potterwatch, the only truthful radio in the wizarding world that is not connected to the Ministry some-how. They inform them on all the recent deaths, such as Bathlida Bagshot and Ted Tonks. But unfortunately Harry slipped up and said the infamous V-word, and their protective charms broke and snatchers, one being Greyback, found them. Luckily, Hermione's quick thinking helps to disguise Harry and make his face swell up so the Snatchers can't easily identify them (but they still do). They are then taken to Malfoy Manor. OH NO! When they arrive, they easily realize that it's Hermione, but Draco can't quite figure out if it's Harry or not. Bellatrix (oh the evil Bellatrix) send HP and Ronnie down to the basement prison but holds Hermione up and tortures her on information on why exactly they have the sword of Gryffindor. She lies, and tells her it's a replica. When in the dungeon of doom, Harry and Ron find Luna (their wacky friend), Ollivander (the wand maker), Griphook (a golbin) and Dean Thomas (a Gryffindor friend). Harry then calls for help through his piece of mirror, and low and behold, Dobby saves the day! I know, what a shocker, it wasn't Hermione. Dobby frees Luna, Dean, and Ollivander and takes them to Bill & Fleur's cottage, but this noise of his disapparation causes Wormtail to comedown and investigate. Luckily, Harry & Ron are able to jump on him, but it was his own silver hand that killed him because he was betraying Voldemort by not killing Harry. The two go upstairs and Harry is able to disarm Bellatrix, but she is able to hold a knife against Hermione and demands they drop their wands. But then, Dobby saves the day again and drops the chandelier on Bellatrix. Luckily Harry, Dobby, Ron, and Hermione are able to disapparate but Bellatrix throws her knife just in the nick of time, and ends up killing Dobby instead of Harry. As they escape, Harry scar burys with the rage of Voldemort because he's angry Harry got away again. When the four arrive to Bill & Fleur's cottage, the find Dobby wounded and he dies while saying "Harry Potter". Dobby luckily dies a free, happy house elf who helped to save his beloved Harry Potter. The chapter ends with Voldemort stealing the Elder Wand out of Dumbledore's tomb at Hogwarts. Harry is able to see this all happen. Why? Psst. He's a horcrux.
The Truth Behind The Sign: The Tale Of The 3 Brothers

Off to find out the truth... From Xenophilius.
Post Locket Destruction
Finally, the locket is destroyed and happiness is returned to Harry, Ron & Hermione. They return back to their camp and begin to tell Hemione the story of how Ron saved the day & destroyed the locket. One would assume that Hermione would've been ecstatic to have her precious Ron return, but she was actually quite upset with him and punched him a couple times on the arm when she first saw him. Once she calms down, he tells him how the Deluminator has to power to detect conversations about the person holding it, and that was how he was able to return to them. Ron also brought a wand with him, that he gives to Harry.
I believe that this chapter shows how impulsive Harry can be. He so easily followed the doe, without really thinking much about it. I mean after all him & Hermione went through at Bathilda's house, you would assume he would think more about following a mysterious patronus. Also, this chapter shows a transformation in Ron. He is able to man-up in this chapter and avoid letting his fears and weaknesses get the best of him.
I believe that this chapter shows how impulsive Harry can be. He so easily followed the doe, without really thinking much about it. I mean after all him & Hermione went through at Bathilda's house, you would assume he would think more about following a mysterious patronus. Also, this chapter shows a transformation in Ron. He is able to man-up in this chapter and avoid letting his fears and weaknesses get the best of him.
The Infamous Silver Doe
Wandless & Hopeless Harry...
Harry & God: The symbolism in HP
An interesting part of Harry Potter (and also a convtroversial part) is the absense of God. I have some friends who go to Catholic schools, and they aren't allowed to read Harry Potter. I've always wondered why that is so.
Instead of focusing on a religion that Harry is able to find strength though, Rowling focuses more on the love that helps Harry to survive the evils. I find that is why HP is so attractive for teenagers. I find that religion sometimes confuses me, and I never am 100% sure with it. Harry Potter series illustrate a world where human emotion drives life, not a God, or an invisible hope. All of the world seems to wonder what it would be like if there was no God, and Harry Potter shows the world what that would be like. TIME magazine addresses this issue and say that "In the new millennium, magic comes not from God or nature or anything grander or more mystical than a mere human emotion."
Another subject of interest about the Harry Potter series is the lightning bolt on his forehead. The lightning bolt has caused concern because in Greek mythology it is known as "Thor’s calling card" who is the god of thunder, rain and fertility. Some are also worried because the swastika is a crossing of two lightning bolts.
Either way Harry Potter books are amazing.
Instead of focusing on a religion that Harry is able to find strength though, Rowling focuses more on the love that helps Harry to survive the evils. I find that is why HP is so attractive for teenagers. I find that religion sometimes confuses me, and I never am 100% sure with it. Harry Potter series illustrate a world where human emotion drives life, not a God, or an invisible hope. All of the world seems to wonder what it would be like if there was no God, and Harry Potter shows the world what that would be like. TIME magazine addresses this issue and say that "In the new millennium, magic comes not from God or nature or anything grander or more mystical than a mere human emotion."
Another subject of interest about the Harry Potter series is the lightning bolt on his forehead. The lightning bolt has caused concern because in Greek mythology it is known as "Thor’s calling card" who is the god of thunder, rain and fertility. Some are also worried because the swastika is a crossing of two lightning bolts.
Either way Harry Potter books are amazing.
Bathilda? or.... Nagini?
After feeling a sentimental connection to the location of Godric's Hallow, Harry feels compelled to travel there in hopes of discovering something. Harry and Hermione head to Godric's Hallow finally, and discover the place where both Harry and Dumbledore have gone through so much pain. At the hallow, Harry discovers the graves of his parents. On their grave it says "The last enemy to be destroyed is death". Seeing their graves causes Harry to cry, because he realizes truly how gone his parents are. He also discovers the symbol the the Deathly Hallows on a grave in the graveyard. This is the grave of Ignotus Peverell, who is one of the Three Brothers involved with the 3 Deathly Hallows. They then begin to look around the town, and find Harry's house, which they find left in ruins. Infront of the house is a plaque and statue that describe the events that took place in the house (how Harry survived the Killing Curse). While roaming the village, Harry & Hermione come across Bathilda Bagshot, the woman that Harry was hoping to find and discover some knowledge. She was very close to Dumbledore, and also was friends with Harry, so he was hoping to find some things out dealing with the Deathly Hallows. When they get into her house (which is very smelly and dirty), she leads Harry upstairs and he beings to believe that she might be giving him something special (such as the sword of Griffindor). When Bathilda finally gets Harry alone, she transforms into Nagini, the snake of Voldemort and also a Horcrux. Hermione is able to rescue Harry from Nagini and escape from Godric's Hallow without being captured by Voldemort, but unfortunately Harry's wand breaks.
GET THE HORCRUXES! But wait, Ron! Don't leave.
I have just ventured into a new chapter: The Goblin's Revenge. While in the forest camping out. The three of them discover a herd of Goblins that consists of Ted Tonks and Dean Thomas. They tell them that the sword of Griffindor is a fake, and that the real one is actually in the Lestrange (Bellatrix that is) family vault. They also discover from the portrait of Phineas Nigellus, the picture that Hermoine stole from the Grimmauld Place, a little bit of information on the sword. Phineas tells the three that due to being made by goblins, the sword contains the ability to absorb strengthening materials, such as basilisk venom. Basilisk venom was absorbs in the sword when Harry killed the snake in the Chamber of Secrets and when Dumbledore destroyed the ring, therefore it has the ability to destroy Horcruxes. At the end of this chapter, Harry and Ron get in a fight over whether or not Harry knows what he is doing on their quest and he ends up leaving Harry and Hermione. That's currently where I left off. I believe that the locket's negative effects definitely harmed Ron, and he was starting to become envious of the interactions between Harry and Hermione. I think what Ron did was very impulsive. C'mon Ron, don't leave your best friends. When he was given time to think his decisions through, he deeply regretted what he did, and realized it wasn't very wise to leave his best friendsd on this epic journey. That's why later in the book he returns. I think this part of the book without Ron definitley give Harry and Hermione the ability to be logical, and do some hard investigating without Ron's attitude in the way.
This book definitely reflects the selfish qualities of man. Ron become very selfish in this chapter. He only thinks of himself and not about the overall impact of this quest. He is overcome by all the negative feelings of greed, worry, and doubt that he acts impulsively.
This book definitely reflects the selfish qualities of man. Ron become very selfish in this chapter. He only thinks of himself and not about the overall impact of this quest. He is overcome by all the negative feelings of greed, worry, and doubt that he acts impulsively.
And Harry's Journey Continues...
Again, plane rides are very conducive to reading a book. I'm about half way done with Harry Potter 7. I literally cannot put this book down. LOVE IT. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are now officially on their quest to destroy the Horcruxes. Kreature was able to capture Mundungus Fletcher, and he confessed that he sold the locket of Slytherin to Umbridge (the ex-professor of Hogwarts). They use the Pollyjuice Potion yet again, to transform themselves into Ministry workers. They barley get out of the ministry with the locket, but they are able to get it. Now, they have the locket, but aren't quite sure how to destroy it. They realize that the locket does have the ability to make whoever is wearing it's mood change.
Well, I did see the movie yesterday. Thank goodness I had already read the book before. So nothing was spoiled for me. There were some differences between the book and the movie. At the wedding for example, Harry uses the Pollyjuice Potion to become a little red-headed boy so the people at the wedding didn't know he was there. But in the movie, Harry came to the wedding as is. They cut out a lot of the scenes in the beginning, like when Harry sends off the Dursleys, Harry's birthday party, and when Harry, Ron, and Hermione discuss their plans. Also, Hedwig's death was a lot different than the movie. All and all, the movie was fabulous! Nothing like the book of course. :)
The Locket of Slytherin! One of the Horcruxes.
Well, I did see the movie yesterday. Thank goodness I had already read the book before. So nothing was spoiled for me. There were some differences between the book and the movie. At the wedding for example, Harry uses the Pollyjuice Potion to become a little red-headed boy so the people at the wedding didn't know he was there. But in the movie, Harry came to the wedding as is. They cut out a lot of the scenes in the beginning, like when Harry sends off the Dursleys, Harry's birthday party, and when Harry, Ron, and Hermione discuss their plans. Also, Hedwig's death was a lot different than the movie. All and all, the movie was fabulous! Nothing like the book of course. :)
The Locket of Slytherin! One of the Horcruxes.
HP 7
Harry Potter 7: My Book Bill & Fleur's Wedding The Symbol For The 3 Dealthy Hallows
After reading it a second time, I realize why I think it's the best of them all. I love JK Rowling so much as an author. Her ability to tie every single detail together in the end amazes me beyond belief. She writes with such description, and helps the reader to understand each character completely. This captures my interest like none other. I don't think I'd be able to read another 760 page book if it wasn't Harry Potter. I'm definitely an HP nerd. Haha. But anyways, Bill (Ron's brother) and Fleur just got married, so now Harry, Ron, & Hermione are off on their epic battle to destroy the Horcruxes, or the bits of Voldemort's soul that they must rid of before they can actually kill him. Harry is dead set on going to Godrick's Hollow (the place where his parents died & where he survived the killing curse), but they end up going to Grimmauld Place to talk to Kreature about where the locket is. Anyways... that's about where I left off. More to come!
Lots Of Reading On The Plane
I continue on reading HP 7. Everyone else has seen the movie, except me. I choose to ski down hills in Colorado instead. But I did get my Harry Potter fix on the plane. I read a good 100 pages, so thankfully I'm about a quarter the way through my book. Reading it a second time, I'm definitely a lot more aware of the significance of little things. I'm able to grasp the overall effect of small details as well.
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: My SSR Book
Currently on page 80. Although I've already read this book two years ago, I'm reading it again before the movie comes out. Definitely when you ready a book the second time you have a better overall understanding of the concepts, and can easily pick up smaller details.
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