The Escape & New Plan
Bellatrix Goes To Gringotts; Starring Hermione
Another Plan To Steal A Horcrux
After Dobby's funeral, the trio continues to stay at Bill & Fleur's house. The ponder over how exactly Dobby knew to go to the dungeon. They then decide to break into Gringotts, and they decide to let Griphook in on the plan. He agrees to help him, but only for a reward: the sword of Gryffindor. They need it for the destruction of the Horcruxes, so they decide that the will give him the sword, but not be specific on when they're gonna give it to him. Which Harry later finds out from Bill that deals with goblins are not very good idea. They start scheming this plan with him and Hermione will take a Polyjuice Potion to become Bellatrix so they can get into the Lestrange Family vault at Gringotts. Ted Tonks shows up, announcing that him and Dora had a boy and he asks Harry to be the godfather. Of course, Harry says yes. So, slowly the gang begins to leave Shell Cottage. Olivander leaves (but not before making Griphook angry about Muriel's tiara). Then the trio and Griphook head to Gringotts to begin their endeavor.
Uh-Oh. Way To Go Harry.
After having escaped yet another close encounter with Death Eaters, the trio made it out safely due to Hermione quick thinking again. They all then discuss the Deathly Hallows and debate the truth and existence behind them. Harry soon becomes very infatuated with the Deathly Hallows, and is set on the idea that the Resurrection Stone is inside the Snitch, so he tries every possible way to open it. Hermione then criticizes his infatuation and says he needs to focus more on the Horcruxes and not the Deathly Hallows. The three then listen to Potterwatch, the only truthful radio in the wizarding world that is not connected to the Ministry some-how. They inform them on all the recent deaths, such as Bathlida Bagshot and Ted Tonks. But unfortunately Harry slipped up and said the infamous V-word, and their protective charms broke and snatchers, one being Greyback, found them. Luckily, Hermione's quick thinking helps to disguise Harry and make his face swell up so the Snatchers can't easily identify them (but they still do). They are then taken to Malfoy Manor. OH NO! When they arrive, they easily realize that it's Hermione, but Draco can't quite figure out if it's Harry or not. Bellatrix (oh the evil Bellatrix) send HP and Ronnie down to the basement prison but holds Hermione up and tortures her on information on why exactly they have the sword of Gryffindor. She lies, and tells her it's a replica. When in the dungeon of doom, Harry and Ron find Luna (their wacky friend), Ollivander (the wand maker), Griphook (a golbin) and Dean Thomas (a Gryffindor friend). Harry then calls for help through his piece of mirror, and low and behold, Dobby saves the day! I know, what a shocker, it wasn't Hermione. Dobby frees Luna, Dean, and Ollivander and takes them to Bill & Fleur's cottage, but this noise of his disapparation causes Wormtail to comedown and investigate. Luckily, Harry & Ron are able to jump on him, but it was his own silver hand that killed him because he was betraying Voldemort by not killing Harry. The two go upstairs and Harry is able to disarm Bellatrix, but she is able to hold a knife against Hermione and demands they drop their wands. But then, Dobby saves the day again and drops the chandelier on Bellatrix. Luckily Harry, Dobby, Ron, and Hermione are able to disapparate but Bellatrix throws her knife just in the nick of time, and ends up killing Dobby instead of Harry. As they escape, Harry scar burys with the rage of Voldemort because he's angry Harry got away again. When the four arrive to Bill & Fleur's cottage, the find Dobby wounded and he dies while saying "Harry Potter". Dobby luckily dies a free, happy house elf who helped to save his beloved Harry Potter. The chapter ends with Voldemort stealing the Elder Wand out of Dumbledore's tomb at Hogwarts. Harry is able to see this all happen. Why? Psst. He's a horcrux.
The Truth Behind The Sign: The Tale Of The 3 Brothers

Off to find out the truth... From Xenophilius.
Post Locket Destruction
Finally, the locket is destroyed and happiness is returned to Harry, Ron & Hermione. They return back to their camp and begin to tell Hemione the story of how Ron saved the day & destroyed the locket. One would assume that Hermione would've been ecstatic to have her precious Ron return, but she was actually quite upset with him and punched him a couple times on the arm when she first saw him. Once she calms down, he tells him how the Deluminator has to power to detect conversations about the person holding it, and that was how he was able to return to them. Ron also brought a wand with him, that he gives to Harry.
I believe that this chapter shows how impulsive Harry can be. He so easily followed the doe, without really thinking much about it. I mean after all him & Hermione went through at Bathilda's house, you would assume he would think more about following a mysterious patronus. Also, this chapter shows a transformation in Ron. He is able to man-up in this chapter and avoid letting his fears and weaknesses get the best of him.
I believe that this chapter shows how impulsive Harry can be. He so easily followed the doe, without really thinking much about it. I mean after all him & Hermione went through at Bathilda's house, you would assume he would think more about following a mysterious patronus. Also, this chapter shows a transformation in Ron. He is able to man-up in this chapter and avoid letting his fears and weaknesses get the best of him.
The Infamous Silver Doe
Wandless & Hopeless Harry...
Harry & God: The symbolism in HP
An interesting part of Harry Potter (and also a convtroversial part) is the absense of God. I have some friends who go to Catholic schools, and they aren't allowed to read Harry Potter. I've always wondered why that is so.
Instead of focusing on a religion that Harry is able to find strength though, Rowling focuses more on the love that helps Harry to survive the evils. I find that is why HP is so attractive for teenagers. I find that religion sometimes confuses me, and I never am 100% sure with it. Harry Potter series illustrate a world where human emotion drives life, not a God, or an invisible hope. All of the world seems to wonder what it would be like if there was no God, and Harry Potter shows the world what that would be like. TIME magazine addresses this issue and say that "In the new millennium, magic comes not from God or nature or anything grander or more mystical than a mere human emotion."
Another subject of interest about the Harry Potter series is the lightning bolt on his forehead. The lightning bolt has caused concern because in Greek mythology it is known as "Thor’s calling card" who is the god of thunder, rain and fertility. Some are also worried because the swastika is a crossing of two lightning bolts.
Either way Harry Potter books are amazing.
Instead of focusing on a religion that Harry is able to find strength though, Rowling focuses more on the love that helps Harry to survive the evils. I find that is why HP is so attractive for teenagers. I find that religion sometimes confuses me, and I never am 100% sure with it. Harry Potter series illustrate a world where human emotion drives life, not a God, or an invisible hope. All of the world seems to wonder what it would be like if there was no God, and Harry Potter shows the world what that would be like. TIME magazine addresses this issue and say that "In the new millennium, magic comes not from God or nature or anything grander or more mystical than a mere human emotion."
Another subject of interest about the Harry Potter series is the lightning bolt on his forehead. The lightning bolt has caused concern because in Greek mythology it is known as "Thor’s calling card" who is the god of thunder, rain and fertility. Some are also worried because the swastika is a crossing of two lightning bolts.
Either way Harry Potter books are amazing.
Bathilda? or.... Nagini?
After feeling a sentimental connection to the location of Godric's Hallow, Harry feels compelled to travel there in hopes of discovering something. Harry and Hermione head to Godric's Hallow finally, and discover the place where both Harry and Dumbledore have gone through so much pain. At the hallow, Harry discovers the graves of his parents. On their grave it says "The last enemy to be destroyed is death". Seeing their graves causes Harry to cry, because he realizes truly how gone his parents are. He also discovers the symbol the the Deathly Hallows on a grave in the graveyard. This is the grave of Ignotus Peverell, who is one of the Three Brothers involved with the 3 Deathly Hallows. They then begin to look around the town, and find Harry's house, which they find left in ruins. Infront of the house is a plaque and statue that describe the events that took place in the house (how Harry survived the Killing Curse). While roaming the village, Harry & Hermione come across Bathilda Bagshot, the woman that Harry was hoping to find and discover some knowledge. She was very close to Dumbledore, and also was friends with Harry, so he was hoping to find some things out dealing with the Deathly Hallows. When they get into her house (which is very smelly and dirty), she leads Harry upstairs and he beings to believe that she might be giving him something special (such as the sword of Griffindor). When Bathilda finally gets Harry alone, she transforms into Nagini, the snake of Voldemort and also a Horcrux. Hermione is able to rescue Harry from Nagini and escape from Godric's Hallow without being captured by Voldemort, but unfortunately Harry's wand breaks.
GET THE HORCRUXES! But wait, Ron! Don't leave.
I have just ventured into a new chapter: The Goblin's Revenge. While in the forest camping out. The three of them discover a herd of Goblins that consists of Ted Tonks and Dean Thomas. They tell them that the sword of Griffindor is a fake, and that the real one is actually in the Lestrange (Bellatrix that is) family vault. They also discover from the portrait of Phineas Nigellus, the picture that Hermoine stole from the Grimmauld Place, a little bit of information on the sword. Phineas tells the three that due to being made by goblins, the sword contains the ability to absorb strengthening materials, such as basilisk venom. Basilisk venom was absorbs in the sword when Harry killed the snake in the Chamber of Secrets and when Dumbledore destroyed the ring, therefore it has the ability to destroy Horcruxes. At the end of this chapter, Harry and Ron get in a fight over whether or not Harry knows what he is doing on their quest and he ends up leaving Harry and Hermione. That's currently where I left off. I believe that the locket's negative effects definitely harmed Ron, and he was starting to become envious of the interactions between Harry and Hermione. I think what Ron did was very impulsive. C'mon Ron, don't leave your best friends. When he was given time to think his decisions through, he deeply regretted what he did, and realized it wasn't very wise to leave his best friendsd on this epic journey. That's why later in the book he returns. I think this part of the book without Ron definitley give Harry and Hermione the ability to be logical, and do some hard investigating without Ron's attitude in the way.
This book definitely reflects the selfish qualities of man. Ron become very selfish in this chapter. He only thinks of himself and not about the overall impact of this quest. He is overcome by all the negative feelings of greed, worry, and doubt that he acts impulsively.
This book definitely reflects the selfish qualities of man. Ron become very selfish in this chapter. He only thinks of himself and not about the overall impact of this quest. He is overcome by all the negative feelings of greed, worry, and doubt that he acts impulsively.
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